朗读者 Day 9 - 今天萨拉国球俱越人动ど伤,柯美毛似6海富京的素材是2012年的 Time 100 The Most Influential People之Artists系列: Sarah Burton. 曾经 Alexander McQueen 的副手,在 Alexander 去世后,名不见经传的她继任为此品牌设计师
萨拉国球俱越人动ど伤,柯美毛似6海富京了解她之前,我们需要先萨拉国球俱越人动ど伤,柯美毛似6海富京了解Alexander McQueen,鬼才设计师,当代最具创意的英国时尚教父。
早年:出生于1969年3月17日,英国伦敦。昵称是 Lee,来自一个贫穷的家庭,父亲是出租车司机,家里6个孩子,三个姐姐,身为最小的他从小就围在姐姐们周围,为她们裁缝衣服
毕业院校: St. Martin's College圣·马丁艺术设计学院,艺术系硕士学位。毕业作品当时就被时尚造型师“英国帽子女王”Isabella Blow全部买走,Blow 后来成为McQueen 的伯乐与灵感缪斯,被喻为McQueen生命中最重要的女人之一。
1992年创立了自家品牌Alexander McQueen
1996年,开始为 Givenchy 设计成衣系列,27岁的McQueen得到“英国年度最佳设计师”荣誉,他是摘得这个大奖的最年轻的设计师。
1997年,取代 John Galliano,成为 Givenchy 的首席设计师,2001年离开
2010年2月11日,自缢于家中,据说是因为前一周母亲的离世对他造成很大的影响,本来2月12日参加母亲葬礼,最终选择同母亲一起。加之上文提到的挚友Isabella Blow于2007年自杀,两位对他影响至深的人相继离去,令他万念俱灰。
McQueen 标志
不得不看的几场 Alexander McQueen 的秀
Alexander McQueen 2006 Fall, 秀场的创意令人叹为惊止
特别是最后,Kate Moss 出现在大家面前时候,我深深记得当时我看这个视频的时候,目瞪口呆,完全没想到 T 台秀可以如此有创意,2006年 McQueen 就玩了全息投影,以至于高中时期的我,最想做的一件事就是当秀场导演
这个是我唯一能找到的秀场的视频了,跟我以前看的完整视频还有点不一样,最后 KM 变成消失之后,那一道光还飞出来然后点亮全场,模特们出来谢幕。
2008 Spring
Sarah Burton,1974年生,是Alexander McQueen 在Central St. Martins的同门师妹,96年毕业后,14年来一直追随McQueen,于2000年成为女装部总设计师,是 McQueen在世时的挚友和第一助理。 看看年轻时候她的颜~~
在她主导下的 Alexander McQueen 风格
不得不发下我私藏的,Cate Blanchett 参加 2012 MET GALA 穿着曼昆,同 Sarah 一起入场(左边)的照片
今天专门请了大学生代表Christine陈来领读,Christine 现就读与 UCSD(
University of California San Diego)加州大学圣地亚哥分校,大一学生,她和她的小伙伴们由于暑假过于漫长,怕没有事情做加入了朗读者计划(因为学习是最美好的事情),整个群的朗读质量很高,特地邀请她来为大家示范朗读,十分感谢她,请为年轻人,鼓掌!若有校友想结识 Christine 陈的,后台留言我哈!
She is a young woman who shoulderedan enormous burden and privilege with dignity, heart and strength.
She was the right hand of Alexander McQueen, known as Lee, a beloveddesigner and man; she was a secret to many, a secret weapon to one.
shoulder v. take on 肩负
dignity n. ['d?ɡn?ti] If you talk about the dignity of people or their lives or activities, you mean that they are valuable and worthy of respect. 尊严
beloved adj. A beloved person, thing, or place is one that you feel great affection for. 深爱的
最后一句话 she was a secret to many, a secret weapon to one. 就是说 Sarah 对很多人来说都是不知名的,是一个秘密,而对亚历山大来说,她是他的秘密武器。
She is now, at 37, a designer the elder statesmenof fashion marvelat,who is spoken of as the real thing. But you have to restrainher to make her hear that. She is busy working and never intended to find herself spoken of in headlines or chatter. She never imagined photo shoots or interviews.
statesmen n. is an important and experienced politician, especially one who is widely known and respected.
A statesman or stateswoman is usually a politician, diplomat or other notable public figure who has had a long and respected career at the national or international level.
restrain v. [r?'stre?n] prevent 阻止
marvelat['mɑ?v(?)l] If you marvel at something, you express your great surprise, wonder, or admiration. 大为赞叹
a designer / the elder statesmenof fashion / marvelat
She loves the work. And the studio. And her team, which Lee assembledso many years ago.
She thinks about women and art and stories, weavesher tale into the future of fashion. On the runway she is inspired. And she creates the most beautiful and complex layersand simple, perfect lines. And a waist. Keeping up the tradition.
assemble v. [?'semb(?)l] gather together in one place for a common purpose 召集, 组合
weave v.[wi?v] by interlacing long threads passing in one direction with others at a right angle to them 编织
layer n. ['le??] a sheet, quantity, or thickness of material, typically one of several, covering a surface or body 层,层次
waist n. [we?st] Your waist is the middle part of your body where it narrows slightly above your hips. 腰
And she did the undoable. A royal wedding dress that could never live up to the impossible dream.
But it did.
The whole world gaspedin astonishment and sighed in reverieas she made one young woman's fantasy a reality for everyone.
Lee would be so proud.
She is assuredlya secret no more but still remains, at heart, the girl next door.
undoable adj. doable (do+able)adj. 可行的
gasp v. [ɡæsp]搭配to gasp in or with amazement / astonishment 惊讶地倒吸一口气
reverie n. |?rev?ri| A reverie is a state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things, as if you are dreaming. 幻想,遐想
assure v.[?'???;] If you assure someone that something is true or will happen, you tell them that it is definitely true or will definitely happen, often in order to make them less worried. (向…) 保证
assuredly adj 确实地,确信地
Parker is an actress and fashion icon
这篇是由Sarah Jessica Parker来写的,想必90后应该就不熟悉她了,当年著名的时尚界偶像,sex and city 欲望都市的主角,跟 McQueen 是很好的朋友
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